¿Qué? podcast, episode seven: Trial of Catalan separatist leaders

In the latest episode of our new audio series, journalists from the English Edition try to break down the charges facing 12 pro-independence defendants in the Supreme Court

The defendants inside the Supreme Court in Madrid.Emilio Naranjo (GTRES)

This week on our podcast, we tried to explain the very complex Supreme Court trial against Catalan separatist leaders, who are facing a range of charges for their involvement in the illegal independence referendum on October 1, 2017, and the unilateral declaration of independence that was passed weeks later in the regional parliament. We looked at what’s at stake for the Spanish justice system and why the case has been described as the most important in Spanish history.

And on a completely different topic, we discussed Spanish eating and lifestyle habits after the Bloomberg index ranked Spain as the healthiest country in the world.

¿Qué? is a podcast that tries to explain to an English-speaking audience the curious, the under-reported and sometimes simply bizarre news stories that are often in the headlines in Spain. You can subscribe through this RSS Feed or via your favorite podcast app, such as Google Podcasts or Apple Podcasts.

If you have any comments or questions about the topics we discuss, or would like to suggest issues for future podcasts, email us at englishedition@elpais.es or tweet Simon Hunter at @simoninmadrid using the hashtag #quepodcast.

And if you want more information about all the podcasts available from EL PAÍS, visit this website.

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