The English Edition’s most-read articles of 2018: Part 2

These are the stories that attracted the most traffic this year, counting down from 10 to one

Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja, outside his house.ÓSCAR CORRAL

The English Edition of EL PAÍS has had a bumper year in 2018, attracting more readers than ever before in its nearly 20-year history. The diversity of the stories that have attracted most attention over the last 12 months reflects the diversity of our readers, who these days are mostly to be found in the United States, Spain and the United Kingdom – in that order. Honorable mentions too for our friends in Canada, India, Germany, Australia, Mexico and Ireland, whose numbers have also swelled.

As the year draws to a close, here is the second in a two-part rundown of our most-read articles (click here for part one). Thanks to all of you for reading – our team wishes you very happy holidays.

Simon Hunter, Melissa Kitson and Susana Urra.

10. “The CIA helped kill DEA agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena,” say witnesses

The release of Netflix show Narcos: Mexico this year saw interest in this article from 2013 surge. The text examines allegations concerning the murder of real-life DEA agent Kiki Camarena, who is the protagonist of the latest installment of the hit series.

1. Spaniard raised by wolves disappointed with human life

By a massive margin, this was our most-read story of 2018. It’s the tale of Marcos Rodríguez Pantoja, who lived among animals for 12 years, and has since found it difficult to assimilate into society.

9. “I have no reason to lie when I tell you that everything is better in Spain”

British concert pianist James Rhodes explains why he calls Madrid and not the UK home, in this love letter to his adoptive country.

8. Why Spain’s brothels are filling up with 20-year-old johns

Another story from our archives was among our most-read articles this year. This 2017 feature examines why visiting prostitutes has become increasingly common for young people in Spain.

7. Jürgen Habermas: “For God’s sake, spare us governing philosophers!”

Interviews with philosophers never fail to attract the attention of our readers, and this one from the EL PAÍS Semanal Sunday magazine was no exception. In it, one of the world’s most influential living thinkers offers his view on the most pressing issues of our time.

6. “My father was much crueler than the Pablo Escobar you see on Netflix”

Another article that no doubt made it into our top 10 thanks to Narcos: Mexico. In the 2016 interview, Juan Pablo Escobar complains about the depiction of his father in the previous seasons of the hit show.

5. How the relationship between the two queens of Spain started to sour

Our readers are always interested in stories about the Spanish royal family, and this extraordinary incident attracted a huge amount of attention. The current and former queen of Spain were caught on camera in an altercation over photos of the infanta and her sister.

4. Who’s who in ‘Narcos: Mexico’?

A rundown of exactly who the real-life characters depicted in the Netflix show were, and how they ended up.

3. Porn or sexual therapy? A peek inside Madrid’s first sex doll “brothel”

A video visit to the first sex doll brothel in Madrid, including interviews with the entrepreneurs behind the venture, as well as a sex therapist and campaigner to examine the effect of such a service on society.

2. British woman in Tenerife found with turtle in vagina after night out partying

This bizarre story involving a Briton in the Canary Islands quickly went viral, but had a somewhat sinister sting in the tail, given that the incident was suspected to be a case of sexual assault.

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