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In photos: Pro-Franco demonstration at the Valley of the Fallen

Hundreds of people gathered at the controversial monument on Sunday to protest the PM’s plans to exhume the remains of the former Spanish dictator

Demonstrators gathered at the Valley of the Fallen to protest the government’s plans to exhume the remains of dictator Francisco Franco from the controversial monument north of Madrid.SANTI BURGOS
Supporters of the dictator performed the fascist salute outside the basilica, where Franco’s tomb is located.SANTI BURGOS
A protester wears a t-shirt with the slogan: “Do not touch the Valley.”SANTI BURGOS
Crowds of people paid homage to Franco by making a fascist salute.SANTI BURGOS
Hundreds of people traveled to the Valley of the Fallen from across Spain to protest the government’s plans.SANTI BURGOS
The protesters waved Franco-era flags and chanted “Long live Franco and José Antonio,” the latter a reference to the founder of Falange, Spain’s fascist-inspired political party.SANTI BURGOS
Protesters wave a flag with a message addressed to Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez: “Historical memory is of everyone and for everyone.”SANTI BURGOS
The group who organized the demonstration argue the decision to exhume Franco’s remains is a “disgrace.”SANTI BURGOS
Many of the attendees wore bracelets, hats and shirts with the pre-constitutional Spanish flag.SANTI BURGOS
A family attend the protest with their child.SANTI BURGOS
A Franco supporter wears a t-shirt pledging allegiance to the Spanish flag.SANTI BURGOS