10 fotos

In photos: The Running of the Bulls, then and now

A historical look back at some of the best, and most dangerous, moments of the fiesta

A bull from the Cebada Gago ranch falls near a runner in 1999.Luis Azanza
The bulls enter the ring at the end of an encierro in 1999.
Runners and bulls collide at an encierro in 1988.Luis Manuel Fernández
Red bandanas are a symbol of Sanfermines.Getty
One of the encierros in 2000.AP
A bull goring a runner in the seventh encierro in 2000.Luis Azanza
The sixth encierro in 2004.Reuters
Runners falling to the ground during an encierro in 2005.Luis Azanza
A bull from the Jandilla ranch making contact with a runner in 2004.Reuters
A pile-up at one of the runs in 2013.Reuters