Mexico responds to Trump

Thousands of Mexicans have sent an unequivocal message to the president of the United States

Mexicans take to the streets at the weekend to protest against Donald Trump.Mario Guzmán (EFE)

The mass protests seen in various Mexican cities at the weekend against the policies of Donald Trump are a strong sign of the indignant hostility toward his country that the new president of the United States is prompting, thanks to the aggressive and xenophobic character of his statements, proposals and measures. The fact that the middle class of a country that – along with Canada and the United Kingdom – has the strongest links with the US would take to the streets to respond to the gratuitous and intolerant attacks from the inhabitant of the White House should make Trump reflect on the unprecedented isolationism toward which he is steering his country.

Trump hasn’t even needed to build his famous wall to cause real economic and human damage in the country

The tens of thousands of Mexicans who expressed their deep unhappiness toward Trump have many reasons to be upset. Since he announced his decision to run for US president, Trump has done nothing but disrespect his neighboring country by aiming collective and demagogical accusations against them. And with just a few weeks in the post he has direct responsibility for a significant fall in investment in the automobile industry in Mexico. He hasn’t even needed to build his famous wall to cause real economic and human damage in the country.

The Mexican president, Enrique Peña Nieto, should be aware of the backing that the legitimate representatives of Mexico have received to maintain a firm stance in the face of the far-from-congenial winds that are blowing in from Washington. An attitude that could be interpreted as submissive by public opinion could give rise to a populist reaction that would feed an anti-establishment downward spiral. The response to Trump cannot be yet more populism. If the president of the United States wants to foment a wave of anti-Americanism that serves as an excuse, the best thing to do is to refuse to play his game. The appropriate way to respond to Trump’s casino mentality is to respond with politics.

English version by Simon Hunter.

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