Second installment of English in Action arrives Sunday

In latest update, Michael Robinson will explain everything from adjectives to English for the internet

The second installment of the fun and innovative English in Action course featuring English broadcaster Michael Robinson will arrive at newsstands around Spain on Sunday. Like the first installment, this addition to the series will be packed with humor and full of useful lessons for students of English whose mother tongue is Castilian Spanish. And of course there will be plenty of practice exercises.

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La segunda entrega de ‘English in action’ llega al quiosco este domingo

In this new update, the TV presenter and Spain expert will explain those tricky adjectives and possessive pronouns and help us to pronounce words that start with “s” – one of the most common mistakes for Spanish speakers. He will also introduce basic vocabulary for coping in the city while the English at Work section will focus on internet English.

Every installment of the English in Action course – which has a focus on real-world language skills – includes a book and a DVD, and comes with four different units: The Essentials, Tips & Tools, Everyday English and English at work. The first unit supplies the fundamentals of the language. Tips & Tools shows the keys and little tricks to help you speak the most natural kind of English possible, and is designed to help students find out how people really speak on the street. Everyday English shows examples of how to cope with daily situations, like going to the hairdressers, contesting a traffic fine or preparing a recipe in the kitchen, for example. And finally, English at Work is a section designed for the job world.

The latest installment of English in Action arrives on January 29. Available at newsstands, it costs €9.95.

For more information on the English in Action course click here.

Michael Robinson on Facebook Live

Originally from Leicester in the United Kingdom, Michael Robinson is a former soccer player-turned-broadcaster, and has lived in Spain for the last 30 years.

After his sporting career came to a close, he turned to the media, becoming a regular fixture on Spanish screens as a commentator and a presenter – all delivered in his second language, Spanish, and with his distinctive British accent.

The journalist and presenter came to the EL PAÍS newsroom to take part in a Facebook Live broadcast, where English Edition editor Simon Hunter asked him about the challenges he has faced carving out a media career while working in a second language, as well as the tips and tricks he can recommend for English students.

Click here to see the interview (mostly in Spanish, with some English), which took place on Wednesday January 18, at 1pm CET.

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