Spectacular eruption at Mexican volcano caught on camera

Webcam captures footage of dramatic early morning event at highly active Colima site

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Espectacular exhalación del volcán de Colima

Mexico’s imposing Colima volcano sprung to life early on Wednesday morning, coating nearby villages with ash after an explosion that caught the federal states of Colima and Jalisco unaware.

The spectacular eruption, which was captured by webcams, sent a plume of smoke and ash two kilometers into the atmosphere with emergency services warning people to stay away from the area of the volcano and to cover their mouths and noses.

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English in Action with Michael Robinson

In the wake of the explosive eruption, The Governor of Colima State, Ignacio Peralta, asked people not to spread rumors and to keep themselves informed.

Mexican Interior Minister Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong said authorities were monitoring the situation closely.

The 3,820-meter high Colima volcano, part of the Colima Volcanic Complex, is one of Mexico’s most dramatic natural phenomena and periodically launches rocks and clouds of gas into the atmosphere, surprising both locals and tourists to the site.

English version by George Mills.

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