FIFA bans Real and Atlético Madrid from signing new players for a year

Capital’s top two teams won’t take part in next summer or winter transfer markets

Real Madrid’s Gareth Bale celebrates a goal against Deportivo.F.Seco (AP)

FIFA’s disciplinary committee has banned the Spanish capital’s two top soccer teams, Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid, from signing new players for the next year. 

According to a press release issued by the governing body for world soccer, both teams have violated regulations regarding the transfer of international youth players under the age of 18.

The punishment also includes fines of €822,500 for Atlético and of €329,000 for Real Madrid

The punishment will take effect during the next two transfer market windows this summer and winter, and also includes fines of €822,500 for Atlético and of €329,000 for Real Madrid.

The FIFA statement did not name the players involved in the alleged regulations breach, merely limiting itself to explaining that the contracts had not been signed according to the rules in place for the corresponding periods: in the case of Atleti, between 2007 and 2014, and between 2005 and 2014 in the case of Madrid.

“Both clubs have been issued with a reprimand and given 90 days in which to regularize the situation of all minor players concerned,” the release said.

Neither club has yet commented on the sanctions.

In 2014 another Spanish soccer club, Barcelona FC, was handed a similar year-long transfer ban by FIFA for the same reason: irregularities in the transfer of international minors.

English version by Nick Funnell.