67 Hispanic intellectuals publish joint statement against Donald Trump

Writers, artists and filmmakers criticize Republican candidate’s “hate speech”

Donald Trump today in New York.Noam Galai (WireImage)

A group of 67 intellectuals, artists, scientists, writers and filmmakers from the United States, Latin America and Spain have signed a statement condemning the “hate speech” espoused by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The business mogul used xenophobic language in reference to Mexican immigrants during the press conference where he announced his candidacy in June, language that the signatories of the statement say “recalls historical campaigns against other ethnic groups that led to millions of deaths.”

Trump’s hate speech appeals to xenophobia, sexism and political intolerance”

“Trump’s hate speech appeals to xenophobia, sexism and political intolerance,” and “physical attacks on Hispanics and public assertions that Spanish should not be spoken in public have already occurred,” the letter says.

The statement also notes the many contributions the Hispanic community has made to the US economy and cites examples such as California where its input accounts for $70 billion each year. “Without Mexican workers, the economy of the state, followed swiftly by the rest of the country, would go to ruin.”

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“Several of the undersigned are Hispanic immigrants who have been well-received by this great nation” and they deem Trump’s actions unworthy of a US presidential candidate, the statement continues. The group asks American voters to “no longer tolerate his absurdities.”

Below is the full statement released by Enrique Krauze and Carmelo Mesa-Lago:

“The undersigned – Hispanics who occupy academic positions in the United States, as well as intellectuals, artists and scientists from Mexico, other Latin American countries and Spain – cannot remain silent in the face of alarming statements from the candidate to the Presidency of the United States, Donald Trump. Since the announcement of his candidacy, Mr. Trump has accused Mexican immigrants of being criminals, rapists and drug traffickers; and has promised to deport 11 million of them and build a big wall along the border with Mexico. Trump’s hate speech appeals to xenophobia, sexism and political intolerance; it recalls historical campaigns against other ethnic groups that led to millions of deaths. Physical attacks on Hispanics and public assertions that Spanish should not be spoken in public have already occurred.

Mr. Trump’s verbal assaults are not based on tested facts, but only on his personal, baseless opinions. Not only does he disdain Hispanic immigrants, but he also exhibits a dangerous attitude toward his opponents, stigmatizing them as stupid or weak. He has insulted and expelled a prominent Hispanic reporter from a press conference who asked him an uncomfortable question and made sexist comments about female interviewers, while his supporters and personal bodyguards have attacked peaceful demonstrators.

The expulsion of Mexican immigrants would be catastrophic for states such as California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, where Mexicans carry out most manual work. In California our immigrants harvest 200 agricultural products, serve in hotels and restaurants, and collect garbage. California is the leading producer of wine in the country and the principal destination for tourism. These sectors generate $70 billion per year. Without Mexican workers, the economy of the state, followed swiftly by the rest of the country, would go to ruin.

Several of the undersigned are Hispanic immigrants who have been well-received by this great nation and contributed through their various endeavors toward greater knowledge, scientific progress, entertainment, and prosperity for all Americans. Mr. Trump’s conduct is not worthy of a candidate to the Presidency of the United States, the most powerful country in the world. All of us condemn his behavior and hope that the American people will no longer tolerate his absurdities.

Héctor Abad Faciolince

Manuel Alcántara

Arturo Álvarez-Buylla

Homero Aridjis

Ariel Armory

Roger Bartra

Demián Bichir

Silvia Borzutzky

Carmen Boullosa

Martín Caparrós

Jorge Castañeda

Jennifer Clement

Junot Díaz

Ramón Díaz Alejandro

Jorge Duany

Jorge Edwards

Sebastián Edwards

Joaquín Estefanía

Julio Frenk

Francisco Goldman

Francisco González Crussí

Alejandro González Iñárritu

Teodoro González de León

Roberto González Echeverría

Enrique Krauze

Mario Lavista

Antonio Lazcano

Emmanuel Lubezki

Valeria Luiselli

Diego Luna

Nora Lustig

Carlos Malamud

David Mares

Ibsen Martínez

Óscar Martínez

Eduardo Matos Moctezuma

Carmelo Mesa-Lago

Verónica Montecinos

Antonio Muñoz Molina

Moisés Naím

Enrique Norten

Silvia Pedraza

Elena Poniatowska

Alejandro Portes

Luis Prados

Rodrigo Rey Rosa

Rafael Rojas

Vicente Rojo

Ranulfo Romo

Diego Sánchez-Ancochea

Antonio Santamaría García

Arturo Sarukhán

José Sarukhán

Fernando Savater

Javier Sicilia

Eduardo Silva

Guillermo Soberón Acevedo

Edward Telles

Mauricio Tenorio

Antonio Ugalde

Diego Valadés

Álvaro Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa

Enrique Vila-Matas

Rolando Villazón

Juan Villoro

Gabriel Zaid”

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