Immigration protestors interrupt Donald Trump speech on Capitol Hill

Group of so-called “dreamers” accuse magnate of encouraging hatred among Americans

Video: Immigration protestors outside the Capitol.

Donald Trump found himself interrupted by around a dozen young protestors as he took to the stage on Capitol Hill to deliver a speech as part of a rally against United States President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran on Wednesday.

“Hey ho, hey ho, Donald Trump has got to go,” shouted the group of so-called “dreamers” – undocumented young migrants – at the real-estate magnate-turned-Republican Party presidential hopeful, whose controversial immigration proposals have caused outrage among the US Latino community.

We are people with rights and not the criminals that Mr Trump wants to paint us as” United We Dream member Julieta Garibay

Trump has pledged to build a huge wall along the US-Mexico border and to deport the country’s almost 12 million undocumented migrants – two million of whom are youngsters – if elected to office next year.

“We cannot go on accepting his hate and his racism,” said a breathless Julieta Garibay, a member of the organization United We Dream who was escorted from the scene.

“Get out of here, go back to your country,” a security volunteer shouted at the demonstrators, forgetting that he was there to keep the peace and not create a scuffle.

As security staff tried to take the group of protestors down the western side of the building, events looked like they might turn violent.

Jeered by Trump’s supporters, the dreamers resisted the efforts to make them leave and the main speaker found himself drowned out.

Video: Protestors boycott Donald Trump in Washington.

“Get out of here, we do not want you here,” shouted another man at one of the demonstrators, who was unable to contain her tears.

The protestors wore t-shirts bearing slogans such as “I am a son,” “I am a daughter,” in order to highlight the fact that they are much more than undocumented migrants in a country where they are fully assimilated. “We are people with rights and not the criminals Mr Trump wants to paint us as,” said Garibay, who was acting as the protestors’ spokeswoman.

She warned the Republican presidential candidate that, wherever he went, a group of dreamers would be there him to remind him that if anyone has to go and quit politics, it is him. “Go away Trump,” the group shouted, their voices trailing off into an echo as police escorted them from the event.

Trump had been invited to the Tea Party-organized rally by fellow Republican presidential contender, Senator Ted Cruz, who is perhaps looking to form new alliances out of fear that he is unable to fill the seats at his own election events alone.

More information
Trump blasts Jeb Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail
Trump kicks Hispanic star reporter Jorge Ramos out of news conference
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English version by Dyane Jean François.