Today’s elections – in figures

More than 35 million residents of Spain are eligible in the municipal polls

Outgoing Madrid regional premier Ignacio González casts his vote on Sunday.Juan Carlos Hidalgo (EFE)
  • More than 35 million residents of Spain are eligible to vote today in the municipal elections, which will put the power of the two main parties, the PP and the PSOE, to the test. It will also be the first real test for emerging political forces in Spain Ciudadanos and Podemos.
  • At play today are 13 of Spain’s regions, and mayoral posts in 8,122 municipalities.
  • A total of 34,634,572 voters are Spaniards resident in Spain, while 6,649 are Spaniards living abroad. As for foreigners living in Spain, they account for 463,765 eligible voters.
  • In Madrid, 4,637,869 Spanish residents are eligible to vote, while 241,747 Spanish voters living in 171 countries will be voting by post. There are 19 candidates for Madrid City Hall and 945 municipal candidates.
  • The polls opened this morning at 9am, and will close at 8pm. Voter turnout figures will be released at 2.30pm and 6.30pm. Results due at 10.30pm.