Brussels has sharp words for Spain over razor wire migrant fence

Commissioner’s remarks coincide with fresh attempt to scale Melilla barrier by sub-Saharans

The European Commission does not look favorably upon the razor wire that Spain is installing on the border fence between Morocco and its exclave of Melilla as a deterrent against illegal immigration.

The commissioner for home affairs, Cecilia Malmström, said on Wednesday that she will ask Spanish Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz for “all the details” of the project.

On Wednesday morning, around 40 sub-Saharans attempted to jump the fence in full daylight.

“From what I know about the time they took it down, the razor did not stop people from coming in; they just arrived with more wounds,” said Malmström about a previous time when the Melilla fence sported the flesh-ripping mesh. “If it was true then, it must be true now.”