Socialists call for debate on exhumation of Franco's remains

Former dictator currently buried at controversial Valley of the Fallen monument

The Valley of the Fallen monument, where Franco's remains lie.EFE

The main opposition Socialist Party (PSOE) announced Tuesday that it wants a debate in Congress on the exhumation of the remains of dictator Francisco Franco and Falange founder José Antonio Primo de Rivera, who are both buried inside the basilica at the Valley of the Fallen.

A measure was filed in Congress by PSOE deputy Odón Elorza, who also wants lawmakers to approve turning the site, which is located outside of Madrid, into a place of reconciliation in memory of all the victims of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39).

The Socialist document also states that Franco's remains should be turned over to his family while Primo de Rivera should be buried at a site where no public exaltations could be held.

The current conservative Popular Party (PP) government has yet to take any action based on a report with recommendations on the Valley of the Fallen, which was commissioned by the previous Socialist government.