Argentina’s consulates instructed to take testimony about Franco-era crimes

Judge requests assistance from diplomats so that witnesses won't have to travel to Buenos Aires

Argentina has ordered its consulates around the world to take testimony from anyone who wants to report crimes that were committed during the Francisco Franco (1939-75) dictatorship in Spain, judicial sources said Monday.

More than a year ago, Buenos Aires Judge María Servini de Cubría, who has opened an investigation into officials from the Franco regime, asked the Argentinean Foreign Ministry to allow diplomats to take complaints from anyone living in a third country so that they would not have to travel to Buenos Aires to do so.

Last week, Servini issued international arrest warrants against three former Civil Guard and police officers, who are accused of taking part in torture during the last years of the Franco dictatorship. Police in Madrid said they are waiting for an Interpol request before acting on the order.

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