PP secretary general told to appear in court in Bárcenas case

Judge also subpoenas two former party chiefs

Popular Party secretary general María Dolores de Cospedal was subpoenaed by the High Court on Tuesday to testify over allegations that she received secret bonuses on top of her party salary from former PP treasurer Luis Bárcenas.

Judge Pablo Ruz, who is looking into Bárcenas’ finances, including his Swiss bank accounts and secret ledgers he prepared as PP finance chief, also summoned former PP secretaries general Javier Arenas and Francisco Álvarez Casco to testify.

The three were told to appear on August 14.

The announcement comes just two days before Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is scheduled to appear before parliament to explain the Bárcenas allegations and his relationship with the former treasurer, who is being held in preventive custody because he was judged as a flight risk.

On July 15, Bárcenas testified before Ruz that he gave a total of 95,000 euros to both Rajoy and De Cospedal, who is also the regional premier of Castilla-La Mancha, in 500 euro notes in 2009 and 2010. Both have denied the allegations.