The 2012 quiz of the year answers

1. Manuel Fraga.

2. Morocco.

3. Elena Valenciano.

4. Andalusia and Asturias.

5. Ask Europe for a bailout for its banks.

6. Marinaleda.

7. Ignacio González.

8. The Diada.

9. Smoking a cigar.

10. Catalan Republican Left (ERC).

11. European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

12. Marsans.

13. The Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).

14. The benchmark 10-year bond.

15. 78 billion euros.

16. Banesto after it is absorbed by Banco Santander.

17. CatalunyaCaixa/Catalunya Banc.

18. Sareb.

19. International Airlines Group (IAG).

20. Rodrigo Rato.

21. Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes.

22. The Lock.

23. Elena Arzak.

24. Ecce Homo.

25. 21 percent.

26. That Catalan students should be "Hispanicized."

27. Javier Marías.

28. Occupied a theater in Madrid.

29. Francisco Franco.

30. Walt Disney.

31. Godfrey Chitalu.

32. Lukas Rosol.

33. Cesc Fàbregas.

34. José Maréa Olazábal, captain; Miguel Ángel Jiménez, vice captain; Sergio García.

35. Michu.

36. None.

37. Nicolás Almagro.

38. Málaga.

39. Canada.

40. Sailing (2), taekwondo.

41. Girona.

42. Free healthcare.

43. Gay marriage.

44. For her alleged role in the "stolen babies" scandal.

45. Evictions.

46. Five.

47. He was president of the Supreme Court and the CGPJ judicial watchdog.

48. A rubber bullet.

49. An advertising boycott due to a social media campaign.

50. Julian Assange.

51. The Varela Project.

52. The year before Repsol had discovered a massive oil find in a region called Vaca Muerta.

53. Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

54. A group of Colombian islands and keys located off the coast of Nicaragua.

55. Clarín.

56. Four.

57. The mensalão scheme involved payoffs to lawmakers by the ruling Workers Party (PT) so that they can side with President Lula da Silva during his first-term government.

58. Uruguay.

59. Paraguay.

60. Libel him and his family in a series of columns.