Batasuna leader makes apology to ETA victims

Arnaldo Otegi’s offer to help “ease the pain” rejected by victims association chief

Arnaldo Otegi, Batasuna’s leader, has asked ETA victims for forgiveness on behalf of the Basque abertzale radical left in an interview that will be published in the daily Gara later this month.

“The abertzale left has recognized and does recognize the pain that has been caused. And I want to go beyond that and, if in my position as spokesman, I could add my two cents to help ease the pain, suffering and humiliation of the families of the victims of ETA’s armed actions, I want to offer my most sincere apologies, accompanied by an ‘I am sorry,’ from the bottom of my heart,” he said in an long interview that will be published on September 28.

Ángeles Pedraza, president of the AVT terrorism victims association, called Otegi’s statement convenient because of upcoming elections in the Basque Country.