Catalonia locks horns with RTVE over bullfights

Public broadcaster screens first ‘corrida’ for six years having changed rules on daytime violence

Bullfighters in front of the cameras at Valladolid on Wednesday. NACHO GALLEGO (EFE) (EFE)

The advisory board of RTVE in Catalonia has asked the state broadcaster to substitute the transmission of bullfighting on television with other programs.

What is known as la fiesta nacional has been banned in Catalonia. RTVE decided to stop broadcasting bullfights six years ago but reversed that policy earlier this year, as a result, it said, of pressure from fans of the spectacle. The airing of a bullfight in Valladolid scheduled for Wednesday went ahead as planned.

The members of the Catalan RTVE advisory, who are named by the regional parliament, pointed out that bullfights are broadcast at a time when many children are watching television.

A number of leading members of the ruling Popular Party are bullfighting fans. RTVE in April removed “violence with animals” from its programming style guide in April as a precursor to against broadcasting bullfights on television.

The Parliamentary Association in Defense of Animals termed the decision to air bullfighting afresh a “social backward step” after six year of the ban being in force.

“Showing bullfights during children’s programming violates completely the spirit and the letter of the legislation until now,” said APDDA spokesman Chesús Yuste.

The APDDA comprises 28 Catalan regional parliamentarians, both serving and retired. Among its number are senators and deputies from across the political spectrum, including the ruling CiU and United Left.