Two more climbers perish on Mont Blanc

Joint Spanish-Polish expedition hit by blizzard on the mountain

Madrid -

A third Spanish climber lost his life on Mont Blanc in as many days during the weekend, following last Thursday’s avalanche that killed nine mountaineers. The body of José Manuel Pérez Rodríguez was found late on Saturday alongside that of his climbing companion Joanna Malgorazata Winchenciuk. Both had frozen to death after being cut off by a blizzard as they made the return journey to the Vallot climbers’ cabin.

The rest of the expedition, which comprised two Spanish nationals and four Poles, were recovered by Italian mountain rescue units. The two Spaniards were taken by helicopter to a hospital in Aosta, on the Italian side of the border. In Thursday’s tragedy, which local authorities described as the deadliest avalanche in recent years, two Spaniards were among the fatalities.