Atheist groups suspend Easter procession in Madrid

Maundy Thursday march had been quashed by the central government delegation

A second attempt in as many years by atheist associations to hold a march on Maundy Thursday has been quashed by the central government delegation in Madrid, a decision that was backed by the regional High Court.

Luis Vega, of the Madrid Association of Atheists and Freethinkers (AMAL), said it had been decided to postpone the march until the end of the month. Last year the protest was held in May, without incident.

The five organizations also based their decision on the “aggressive and anti-secular” words of police chief Ignacio Cosidó, who described Holy Week as a “dam against lay currents.”

AMAL also stated that the ruling spoke of “provocative groups.”

“These are veiled threats because the police, who should protect us from such individuals, seem to be telling us that we will suffer the consequences if we hold our march when we are peaceful people with old people and children in attendance.”