Batasuna expresses “sympathy” for ETA victims for the first time

Interior Minister tells EL PAÍS that no terrorist prisoners will be moved until group disbands

San Sebastián -

In another move in what is seen as an attempt to boost peace, the Basque radical abertzale left on Sunday expressed regret for the victims of ETA for the first time, but stopped short of asking the terrorist group to disarm.

In a document released in the Kursaal conference center in San Sebastián, followers of the outlawed Batasuna Party, which has regrouped into smaller affiliations, announced their “profound sympathy” for ETA’s actions and “our political position with respect to them.” But that was as far as the abertzale went, not giving any specific mention to any of the 829 lives the Basque terrorist group claimed over four decades before announcing a “definitive” ceasefire last year.

In an interview published on Sunday, Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz told EL PAÍS the government would not discuss the transfer of ETA prisoners until the organization disbands.