"The lockout benefits nobody"

A decade has passed since Pau Gasol made his NBA debut with the Memphis Grizzlies

Ten years ago, on November 1, Pau Gasol made his NBA debut with the Memphis Grizzlies against the Detroit Pistons in an 80-90 loss. Despite causing quite a clamor in Spain, Gasol's baptism in the North American league was eclipsed by the return to the courts of Michael Jordan, then 38 years old. However, Gasol swiftly got a starting place and went on to win the Rookie of the Year Award, before smashing most of the Grizzlies' individual records in seven seasons and being traded to the LA Lakers in 2008.

Question. Over the last decade, when were you most nervous?

Answer. I don't know if it was nerves or tension, but at the start. I wanted to live up to expectations. I was nervous as I was a rookie, because of the special moment, because people had come on a chartered flight from Catalonia to cheer me on. Another time, more tension than nerves, was when things weren't going well in my sixth season at Memphis. That filtered out and the fans were pretty unhappy. It was more enjoyable to play away than at home.

Q. Did it help you that you came from a club like Barça?

A. A lot. We had a great team and a great coaching staff. Various people helped me, above all Roberto [Dueñas] and Nacho [Rodríguez], who were like older brothers to me and Juan Carlos [Navarro] - more than a colleague, a friend. And [Arturas] Karnisovas, a true professional. I admired his work ethic. And Saras [Jasikevicius], a born leader, with a lot of character, who helped me to read the game, to move more and look for the ball.

Q. What was your best moment?

A. The two rings. It was marvelous. I hope to have the chance to win more. The first was special but the second will remain forever, because it was the Celtics, because we had to come from behind, because the final game was at home. It was a moment of maximum dedication, emotion, sacrifice, of giving absolutely everything like there would never be another game...

Q. How can you explain what happened in the last playoffs?

A. It was the sum of circumstances that didn't help the performance of the team or me personally. These things happen, I don't give it a lot of importance. There are seasons when things don't pan out as we'd like. Now I see it as a positive experience, I learned from it and it will help me to face situations like that better and to perform to my best.

Q. Do the Lakers have a chance to win the championship?

A. We have a good chance. We have an experienced team, without doubt veteran. It could help us if the season is shortened. We are still competitive and we have as much hunger, if not more, to win than before.

Q. Who will benefit from the lockout?

A. Nobody benefits and it is damaging everyone: the sport, the fans, the players and the owners. In the end there'll be an agreement, which will economically more favorable for one side than the other. That's inevitable. But the sport and the NBA are damaging their image at the best moment in their history.

Q. Does that go for the players as well?

A. The players are trying to defend our position. We are not demanding anything or asking for anything, only that they don't take so much from us. We are willing to cede, to negotiate and reach an fair agreement, but we're not going to cave in.

Q. Is Spain dreaming of Olympic revenge next year?

A. If the USA is knocked out in the quarterfinals and we go on to win we won't mind. We're not after revenge. We will try to win the gold. In 2008 the team believed in its chances and fought hard and we nearly won.

Q. Do you see yourself playing at 38, like Shaquille O'Neal?

A. I want to always be productive and play my best. I don't want to end up dragging my feet. Physically I'm in good shape and I hope to be at the top level for a few more years.

Pau Gasol poses with 10 basketballs, one for every season he has spent in the NBA.MARCEL·LÍ SÀENZ EFE / REUTERS