First dignified death patient in Spain dies in Huelva hospital

Estévez had suffered massive brain damage

Ramona Estévez, the 91-year-old patient at the center of Spain's first dignified death case under Andalusia regional law, died on Tuesday at the Blanca Paloma hospital in Huelva.

Estévez suffered massive brain damage due to a stroke on July 26 and her family asked the regional authorities to permit the removal of her life support system, in line with the patient's stated wish. The Right to Life Association appealed against the decision on two occasions but both petitions were struck down.

Euthanasia remains illegal in Spain although the central government has approved a draft law similar to that in effect in Andalusia. Aragon and Navarre followed the southern region in adopting similar legislation

More information
Pro-life supporters' appeals fail to reverse Huelva euthanasia decision