Fashion world mourns designer Jesús del Pozo

Sixty-five-year-old was first couturier to be awarded the prestigious Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts

The world of fashion was in mourning over the weekend following the death of Jesús del Pozo, one of the key figures in Spanish clothes design of the last 30 years. The 65-year-old designer died on Saturday afternoon after a battle with emphysema, according to sources from his company.

"You have to recognize that he was one of the instigators of the current era of fashion in Spain," said Modesto Lomba, president of the Association of Spain Fashion Creators. "He made the reality we live in today possible."

Among other honors, Del Pozo, who opened his first shop in Madrid in 1974, was the first designer to be awarded the prestigious Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts, in 1998.

Designer Jesús del Pozo, after his last show at Cibeles Fashion Week 2011.GORKA LEJARCEGI