Largest Chinese criminal network in Spain smashed

Money laundered through laundries, say police

The Civil Guard has dismantled the largest criminal enterprise linked to China ever seen in Spain, after a four-year investigation into a money-laundering operation based on Chinese imports to Spain and a massive network of laundries in the Far East.

The first stage of the enterprise, which had been in place for more than 20 years, involved the import of contraband tobacco, clothing and bags from China.

The proceeds from these illicit goods were then sent back to China by Chinese residents of Spain- many of them brought to the country for the purpose, in some cases having had their passports taken away- in amounts of no more than 20,000 eurosto avoid suspicion. Once back in China, the money was laundered through a network of businesses set up for the purpose, including more than 1,000 laundries.

The Civil Guard has detected at least 22 businesses linked to the network in Spain and has made 34 arrests in the country. It is estimated that the network was making up to 40 million euros a year.