Madrid priests criticize huge cost of papal visit

Pastors critical of capital's archbishop, Cardinal Rouco Varela, who they say has taken Church closer to halls of power

The so-called Forum of Madrid Priests, made up of 120 clergymen from the region, has criticized the alliance between the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio Rouco Varela, and economic and political power in the financing of World Youth Day in August, which is set to include a visit from Pope Benedict XVI.

In a document published under the title "Rouco's Patrons," the group denounced the "social scandal" of organizing such an expensive visit - at a cost of - 50 million - during a crisis that is demanding so many cuts in economic resources and social protection for citizens. "The pact with economic and political forces reinforces the image of the Church as a privileged institution close to power," it said. As it is being organized, the event was a long way from the humility and simplicity of Jesus' message, the priests added.

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Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela.EFE