Webcam strangler arrested for murdering pregnant girlfriend

Man showed images of dead woman via webcam to his father in Romania

A 21-year-old Romanian man was arrested in Torrejón de Ardoz, outside Madrid, on Tuesday after strangling his 19-year-old girlfriend, identified as V. F., who was five months pregnant and mother to a three-year-old son. After committing the crime, Dorel Marcu showed the woman's body via a webcam to his father, who alerted Romanian authorities. They then contacted Spanish police.

Marcu, who had no prior police record, also told his father the victim's 13-year-old sister "would meet the same fate" as V. F. when she returned. Madrid Crime Squad chief Emilio Alcázar said police had learned the victim had told Marcu she wanted to end their relationship and the child she was carrying was not his.

The victim's mother sobs at the door of the house where her daughter died in Torrejón, Madrid.CARLOS ROSILLO