Gender violence victims without residency will not be deported

A new bill allows illegal immigrants to report crimes of gender violence committed against them without fear of deportation

Victims of gender violence who do not have legal residency in Spain will not be submitted to expulsion proceedings and may even be granted temporary residency, according to the draft Immigration Law that the government is due to present.

The bill also outlines rules regarding migrants who have been laid off. They will be able to remain in Spain if their partner or spouse has legal residency and enough financial resources to support them.

The government plans to present the bill on Tuesday, once it has put the final touches to the text at a meeting with labor unions and business leaders, scheduled for today.

Among the striking details are the considerations victims of gender violence will receive. According to the draft, which has been seen by EL PAÍS, the children of victims will also be afforded special rights, including remaining in the country if they too are illegal.

Last year, 73 women were murdered in Spain by their partners or ex-partners. Of that number, 31 percent were migrants from other countries outside the European Union. Figures show that 25 percent of all gender violence complaints were filed by migrants.

The Immigration Law bill contains more than 200 clauses (a greater number than the draft originally presented last year), and is geared to addressing the legal situation of migrants from countries outside the EU.

Immigrants wait in line to obtain residency in 2005.M. SÀENZ