Joint operation nets 13 ETA suspects

One of those arrested is the son of Batasuna spokesman Txelui Moreno

Thirteen people were arrested on Tuesday in a joint operation by police in the Civil Guard against ETA political apparatus Ekin, responsible for passing orders to the abertzale, the nationalist leftist bloc that includes ETA's outlawed political ally, Batasuna.

Among those detained in Navarre and Álava was Iker Moreno Ibáñez, the son of former Batasuna leader and current abertzale spokesman Txelui Moreno.

According to the Civil Guard, the detainees had recently sent ETA documents to the abertzale. The suspects apparently aimed to integrate themselves into other separatist organizations, such as ETA youth wing Segi, outlawed party Askatasuna and even Batasuna, which is hoping ETA's recent ceasefire declaration will allow it to be present in May's local elections.

Iker Moreno, the son of Batasuna spokesman Txelui Moreno, is escorted away by civil guards.EFE