PRISA Media presents its new organizational structure

The group is working toward more agile, collaborative and efficient management, based on synergies between its brands. Digital transformation is a priority for the company’s roadmap

The members of the PRISA Media management board and the editors-in-chief of the group's media outlets, pictured last week in Madrid. From left: Montserrat Domínguez (editor-in-chief of Cadena SER), Vicente Jiménez (editor-in-chief of As), general managers José Gutiérrez (Digital and Technology), Marta Bretos (Human Resources and Talent), Ignacio Soto (La SER, Los40 and Cadena Dial), Vanessa Hernández (Operations) and María Jesús Espinosa de los Monteros (Audio); the executive chairperson of the group, Carlos Núñez, CEOs Juan Cantón (EL PAÍS, ‘As,’ ‘Cinco Días‘ and El HuffPost), Javier Muñoz (Legal) and Marisa Manzano (Commercial), Pilar Gil (head of the Chairperson's Office) and Pepa Bueno (editor-in-chief of EL PAÍS).Carlos Rosillo

PRISA Media is continuing to make progress along its new roadmap, and has announced a new organizational structure that will permit more agile and efficient management, based on digital transformation and the convergence of resources around seven cross-sectional platforms: Commercial, Digital and Technology, Audio, Operations, Human Resources and Talent, Legal and Marketing, and Audiences.

The new structure has been reinforced with a new PRISA Media management board, which will be headed by the executive chairperson, Carlos Nuñez, and counts on a high number of women, something that attests to the group’s commitment to promoting female talent.

The committee will be made up of the heads of the seven cross-sectional platforms: Marisa Manzano (Commercial), José Gutiérrez (Digital and Technology), Vanessa Hernández (Operations), Marta Bretos (Human Resources and Talent), Javier Muñoz (Legal), María Jesús Espinosa de los Monteros (Audio) and the new head of Marketing and Audiences, who is yet to be appointed. Together with them will be the head of the group’s Chairperson’s Office, Pilar Gil.

Also present will be the business directors in Spain and America: Ignacio Soto (CEO of La SER, Los40 and Cadena Dial), Juan Cantón (CEO of EL PAÍS, As, Cinco Días and El HuffPost), Felipe Cabrales (CEO in Colombia), Francisco Cabañas (Mexico) and Ricardo Berdichesky (Chile).

The editors-in-chief, Pepa Bueno (EL PAÍS), Montserrat Domínguez (Cadena SER) and Vicente Jiménez (As), will continue to focus on their activities of content generation, and their work with the management board will be coordinated via Carlos Núñez.

The executive chairperson stated that “PRISA Media has an outstanding team to manage the digital evolution of the group, combining youth and experience, internal and external talent and a firm commitment to the professional development of women within the organization.

“The objective of this structure,” Núñez continued, “is to help to proactively align ourselves with our subscribers, readers, listeners and advertisers; maximize the value of our content and audience; encourage interaction between brands; make our working culture more collaborative and agile, and underpin it with data to make it more efficient, aligning it to tackle the global market in Spanish.”

The seven defined platforms will be focused on the search for efficiencies and synergies, offering a service to all of the group’s brands aimed at allowing them to focus solely and exclusively on the creation and distribution of content.

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