Paul Auster, retratado en París en 1993.

Paul Auster, a life in images

The writer died on Tuesday in New York at the age of 77 after a battle with lung cancer. His death comes a few months after publishing ‘Baumgartner,’ the novel in which he reviews five decades of writing and which constitutes his literary testament. He was internationally acclaimed for his literature and for his incursions into cinema, such as the film ‘Smoke,’ with Harvey Keitel in the leading role. Author of the acclaimed ‘The New York Trilogy’ and ‘4321,’ the charismatic writer and unofficial patron of his adopted neighborhood, Brooklyn, had received numerous awards during his lifetime, although the Nobel Prize always eluded him

Explotación sexual en Cartagena
Sexual exploitation

Life is hell for the poor in Cartagena, where sexual exploitation starts in childhood

Colombia’s capital of tourism has instituted a plan against sex work and trafficking in central neighborhoods geared towards “reestablishing public order”, but it fails to address the issue’s most basic causes. Many vulnerable families allow and even promote the sale of their children’s bodies. ‘To the police, we are nothing,’ says one woman

Anne Boyer

Anne Boyer, poet: ‘Denying hatred isn’t good for you, you need to let it out’

Her memoir – ‘The Undying: A Meditation on Modern Illness’ – went beyond her own medical treatment. When it comes to searching for the causes of cancer, she writes how, in addition to studying genes, it’s just as important to examine the water we drink. The Pulitzer Prize-winning poet has also criticized the hypocrisy of certain patrons of scientific research. An American now living and teaching in Scotland, she spoke with EL PAÍS while on a visit to Madrid
